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  3. > Recovery Strategy for the North Pacific Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Canada - Table 2. Recovery Planning Table
Table 2. Recovery Planning Table
Priority Obj. No. Threats addressed Recommended approaches to meet the population and distribution objective
Broad Strategy:  Threat Monitoring
Necessary 2, 4, 5, All five
  • Assess mortality rates due to these threats and consider cumulative effects
  • Contribute to and collaborate on, global threat assessments for humpbacks (e.g. vessel strike, entanglement)
  • Model spatial and temporal risk for threats
Necessary 4, 5 Prey Limitation
  • Analyze catch reporting data for fisheries on known prey species, in the context of potential impacts on prey availability for humpbacks in B.C.
Broad Strategy:  Management
Necessary 2, 4, 5 All five
  • Continue to support and promote the Marine Mammal Incident Response Program and associated network of responders
Necessary 2, 4, 5 Entanglement
  • Mandatory reporting of entangled marine mammals in fishing and aquaculture gear
Necessary 5 Entanglement
  • Determine fisheries management mitigation measures (e.g. of fishing and gear-types)
Beneficial 5 Acoustic
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada to continue to review project proposals with potential to impact humpbacks in B.C.  Provide advice for mitigation or avoidance with respect to habitat needs and direct impacts to individuals.
Beneficial 5 All five
  • As new information becomes available, consider separate management options for northern and southern regional feeding aggregations within B.C.
Beneficial 5 Vessel Traffic
  • Determine appropriate measures for shipping corridors within the identified critical habitat
Beneficial CH All five
  • Contribute data on Humpback Whale occurrence for inclusion into Parks Canada Agency Marxan analysis for the proposed Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area (NMCA) to support management of the identified critical habitat
Beneficial 5 Prey Limitation
  • Implement DFO’s Policy on New Fisheries for Forage Species
Broad Strategy:  Research
Beneficial n/a n/a
  • Determine whether available genetics data can contribute to additional clarification of pre-industrial whaling abundance in B.C.
Broad Strategy:  Monitoring and Inventory
Beneficial 1 All
  • Continue supporting sightings network(s), and management of  sightings data for Humpback Whales
Beneficial 4 All
  • Continue outreach and communications to promote submission of sightings data by mariners to the B.C. Cetacean Sightings Network
Broad Strategy:  Legal Protection & Enforcement
Beneficial 5 All  
  • Continue to enforce protection measures for marine mammals in the existing Fisheries Act, Marine Mammal Regulations
  • Complete amendments to Fisheries Act, Marine Mammal Regulations and implement the amended regulations

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