Recovery Strategy for the Common Hoptree (Ptelea trifoliata) in Canada - Long descriptions

Figure 1: North American distribution of all Common Hoptree subspecies (Ambrose and Aboud 1984).

The core of the Common Hoptree range extends from the Mexico – Texas border in the southwest to Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ontario, and Ohio in the northeast, with extensions into New Mexico and Arizona in the southwest and into northern Florida in the southeast.

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Figure 2: Canadian distribution of the Common Hoptree (Note: Not all points represent GPS-level accuracy).

Thirty-five of thirty-nine known populations of Common Hoptree in Canada are extant. Most occur in seven, well-separated, core areas:  Middle Island, Pelee Island, Essex County (including Point Pelee National Park), Walpole Island First Nation, Rondeau Provincial Park/Erieau, Port Burwell Provincial Park, and the Regional Municipality of Niagara.

  1. The Middle Island population, Point Pelee National Park, in the western basin of Lake Erie, is a core area unto itself. Extant populations on Pelee Island include
  2. Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve,
  3. Red Cedar Savanna (including the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Richard & Beryl Ivey property),
  4. Stone Road Alvar, including Mill Point and South Bay Shore,
  5. the West Shore Pump Station, including the rocky limestone wooded area on the west side of Pelee island near an abandoned quarry,
  6. Middle Point, including the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Novatney and Florian Diamante properties, and
  7. Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve. The Essex County core area contains the largest number of trees and is located at the western end of Lake Erie. Extant Essex County populations are as follows:
  8. Holiday Beach Conservation Area (also known as Big Creek Marsh), Amherstburg,
  9. 1.5 km west of Comet, Amherstburg,
  10. Lypps Beach, Essex,
  11. Colchester Public Beach, Essex,
  12. 1 km north of Colchester, Essex,
  13. Fox Creek Conservation Area, Essex,
  14. Cedar Beach Conservation Area, Kingsville,
  15. Seacliff Beach, Leamington,
  16. Point Pelee National Park, Leamington, and
  17. Hillman Marsh Conservation Area sand spit/barrier beach, Leamington. The Walpole Island First Nation core area includes two populations,
  18. Chematogan on River Road and
  19. Old Ferry Road and Snye Roads. The Rondeau Provincial Park/Erieau core area consists of three populations,
  20. Erieau/Rondeau, including Laverne Kelly Memorial Park and adjacent lands, Erieau, and Rondeau Provincial Park South Point barrier beach and Marsh Trail, Morpeth,
  21. Rondeau Provincial Park Marsh Trail, Morpeth, and
  22. Rondeau Provincial Park Northwest (the population along Lakeshore Road and adjacent dunes), Morpeth.
  23. The population 3.5 km east of Thamesville is believed to still be extant.
  24. The Port Burwell (formerly Iroquois Beach) Provincial Park, Port Burwell location is both a population and a core area.
  25. The Hardy Road population in Brantford is small and is not considered a core area at this time. The core area in the Regional Municipality of Niagara is the second largest in terms of number of trees with extant populations located at
  26. Nickel Beach and Lorraine (Cassaday) Point, Port Colborne;
  27. Lorraine Bay, Port Colborne;
  28. Cedar Bay Road beach access, Port Colborne;
  29. Sherkston Shores west, Port Colborne;
  30. Point Abino, including Sherkston Shores east, Port Colborne; Pleasant Beach Road beach access, Port Colborne; Point Abino west shore, Fort Erie; Point Abino, Fort Erie; Point Abino peninsula sandland forest, Fort Erie; Point Abino sand hills, Fort Erie, and Marcy's Woods, Fort Erie;
  31. Terrace Lane, Crystal Beach, Fort Erie;
  32. Bertie Township/Fort Erie, including Yacht Harbour Road; Ridgeway; beach access points at Burleigh Road, Bernard Avenue, Colony Road, and Windmill Point Road; Stone Mill Road; Bertie Bay Road Allowance; and beach accesses at Rose Hill Road and Buffalo Road/Crescent Beach, all in Fort Erie;
  33. Kraft Drain Mouth, Fort Erie;
  34. Waverly Beach Park (also known as Erie Beach), Fort Erie; and
  35. Navy Island, Niagara Falls. The Linden Beach population has been extirpated, while the Long Point National Wildlife Area population has been transplanted to a location further away from an eroding shoreline. Two populations, Niagara Glen/Niagara Gorge and 4 miles north of Queenston, are considered historic. Many others are believed to be of cultivated origin.

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Figure 3: Conceptual illustration of critical habitat (9 m radius tree root zone) around a single Common Hoptree.

Critical habitat for a single tree is identified as a circle with a radius of 9 m surrounding the trunk of each known, live, individual, naturally occurring Common Hoptree at identified locations (i.e. where data points currently exist). This area is known as the tree root zone.

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Figure 4: General locations of critical habitat for Common Hoptree in Canada.

Critical habitat parcels have been identified for Common Hoptree in Canada at the following Ontario locations:

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Figure 5: Location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_3 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_3 is located southeast of the West Dock and north of the East-West Road, in the southern third of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Richard and Beryl Ivey property, where it abuts the East-West Road on Pelee Island, Ontario. Critical habitat in this location is identified as the occupied Chinquapin Oak – Nodding Onion Treed Alvar Vegetation Type.

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Figure 6: Location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_4, #255_5, #255_6, and #255_7 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_4, #255_5, #255_6, and #255_7 are located south of East-West Road and east of Curry Dyke Road on the Stone Road Alvar in the southeast of Pelee Island, Ontario. Parcel #255_4 and #255_5 are located in the south and middle respectively of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s property north of Shore Road and west of Stone Road. Parcel #255_6 is located to the north, in the middle of Ontario Nature’s property. Parcel #255_7 is located east of Stone Road, east of parcel #255_6, and west of Cooper Road on the Nature Conservancy of Canada property. Critical habitat in this Stone Road Alvar location is identified as the occupied Chinquapin Oak – Nodding Onion Treed Alvar, Red Cedar Alvar Woodland (Red Cedar Treed Alvar), and Dry Annual Open Alvar Pavement Vegetation Types, as well as the Shrub Alvar and Mineral Cultural Thicket Ecosites.

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Figure 7: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_9 and #255_11 – please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within these areas) and location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_10 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_9, #255_10, and #255_11 are located on the eastern side of Pelee Island, Ontario, south of Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve, in a location known as Middle Point. Parcel #255_9 and #255_11 are located along the eastern shoreline of Pelee Island, south and north of Middle Point respectively. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated for each of these two parcels (#255_9 and #255_11) as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found. Parcel #255_10 is located along the northern edge and in the northeast corner of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Florian Diamante property north of Browns Road, east of Henderson Road, and south of Dyke Road. Critical habitat in the Florian Diamante property is identified as the occupied Mineral Cultural Thicket Ecosite.

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Figure 8: Location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_14 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_14 is located in Point Pelee National Park, Leamington, Ontario. Critical habitat at Point Pelee National Park is identified as the occupied Sea Rocket Sand Open Shoreline (SHOM1-2), Beach Grass – Wormwood Open Graminoid Sand Dune (SBOD1-3), Little Bluestem – Switchgrass – Beachgrass Open Graminoid Sand Dune (SBOD1-1), Hoptree Shrub Sand Dune (SBSD1-2), Red Cedar Treed Sand Dune (SBTD1-3), Dry – Fresh Drummond’s Dogwood Deciduous Shrub Thicket, and Fresh – Moist Cottonwood Deciduous Forest (FODM8-3) Vegetation Types adjacent to the shores of Lake Erie.

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Figure 9: Location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_17, #225_18, #225_19, and #225_20 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_17, #225_18, #225_19, and #225_20 are located in Rondeau Provincial Park, Morpeth, Ontario. Parcel #255_17 is located at the west end of the south barrier beach. Parcel #225_18 is also located along the south barrier beach, to the east of parcel #255_17. Parcel #225_19 is located along the eastern shore of the park from the southwest corner north to half way between Gardiner and Bennett Roads. Parcel #225_20 is also located north of parcel #255_19 along the eastern shore of the park. Critical habitat at the Rondeau Provincial Park is identified as the occupied Little Bluestem – Switchgrass – Beachgrass Open Graminoid Sand Dune, Dry Big Bluestem Graminoid Tallgrass Prairie (MEGM1-2), Cottonwood Treed Sand Dune (SBTD1-1), and Willow Shrub Sand Dune (SBSD1-3) Vegetation Types.

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Figure 10: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_2). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_2, an area within which critical habitat is found, is delineated as the boundaries of Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, the point at the southwestern end of Pelee Island, Ontario. Critical habitat in this location is identified as all occupied ELC vegetation types and ecosites (where no vegetation types are defined) based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1.

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Figure 11: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_12). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_12, an area within which critical habitat is found, is delineated as the boundaries of Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve, the point at the northeastern end of Pelee Island, Ontario, found north of the Harris-Garno Road. Critical habitat in this location is identified as all occupied ELC vegetation types and ecosites (where no vegetation types are defined) based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1.

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Figure 12: Location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_16 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_16 is located east of Trojek Avenue and south of Mariner’s Road in the southeast portion of Erieau, Ontario. Critical habitat in this location is identified as all areas of naturally-occurring vegetation within and in the vicinity of Laverne Kelly Memorial Park.

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Figure 13: Location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_8 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_8 is located along both sides of West Shore Road, north of the West Dock, in the vicinity of the West Shore Pump Station (both north and south of West Pump Road), on Pelee Island, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 14: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_13). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_13 is located in and around Cedar Beach Conservation Area, Kingsville, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 15: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_15). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_15 is located along the east barrier beach at Hillman Marsh Conservation Area, Leamington, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 16: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_21). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_21 is located in Port Burwell Provincial Park, Port Burwell, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as the entire park shoreline, up to 150 m from the water’s edge. Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 17: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_22 and #225_23). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within these areas. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_22 and #225_23 are located at Nickel Beach, Port Colborne, Ontario. Parcel #255_22 is located west of Reuter Road, while parcel #255_23 is located further to the east, at and south of the transition from Lakeshore Road to Reuter Road. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 18: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_24). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_24 is located south of Lakeshore Road, along the western side of Lorraine Point, Humberstone, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 19: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_25). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_25 is located at the east end of Lorraine Bay, Humberstone, Ontario, in the vicinity of Firelane 2. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 20: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_26). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_26 is located at the Cedar Bay Road beach access, Port Colborne, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 21: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_27 and #225_28). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within these areas. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_27 and #225_28 are located on the western side of Sherkston Shores Resort, Port Colborne, Ontario. Parcel #255_27, an area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found, is delineated near Wyldewood Beach Road as a circle with a radius of 150 m from the trunk of each live, individual, naturally occurring Common Hoptree or a data point representing multiple individuals. Parcel #255_28, also an area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found, is delineated in the vicinity of Eberly Woods, Sunset Beach, Mariner Crescent, and Surf Loop as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within both of these areas is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within either area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 22: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_29 and #228_30). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within these areas. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_29 is located at the eastern end of the Sherkston Shores Resort, Port Colborne, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated at this location as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Parcel #228_30 is found at the Pleasant Beach Road beach access, Port Colborne, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated at this location as a circle with a radius of 150 m from the trunk of each live, individual, naturally occurring Common Hoptree or a data point representing multiple individuals. Critical habitat within both of these areas is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within either area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 23: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_31). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_31 is located along the west shore of Point Abino, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 24: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_32). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_32 is located on the western side of the tip of Point Abino, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 25: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_33). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_33 is located at Terrace Lane, Crystal Beach, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 26: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_34 and #255_35). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_34 is located along the shore near Yacht Harbour Road, Fort Erie, Ontario. Parcel #255_35 is located at the Burleigh Road beach access, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated for each of these parcels as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 27: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_36). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_36 is located at the Bernard Ave. beach access, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 28: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_37). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_37 is located at the Colony Road beach access, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 29: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_38). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_38 is located at the Windmill Point Road beach access, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 30: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_39). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_39 is located at the Bertie Bay Road Allowance, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 31: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_40). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_40 is located at the Rose Hill Road beach access, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 32: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_42). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_42 is located on either side of the mouth of the Kraft Drain, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 33: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_43). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_43 is located at Waverly Beach Park, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a rectangle that stretches 150 m perpendicular to the water’s edge to encompass the tree(s) and extends along and parallel to the shoreline 150 m on either side of the Common Hoptree(s). Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 34: Area within which critical habitat for Common Hoptree is found (critical habitat parcel #255_41). Please refer to Section 7.1 for the description of biophysical attributes to help locate the critical habitat within this area. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_41 is located at the Buffalo Road beach access, Fort Erie, Ontario. An area within which critical habitat (based on biophysical attributes) is found is delineated as a circle with a radius of 150 m from the trunk of each live, individual, naturally occurring Common Hoptree or a data point representing multiple individuals. Critical habitat within this area is identified based on the biophysical attributes of critical habitat outlined in Section 7.1. Critical habitat associated with trees having their trunks within the area within which critical habitat is found, may have critical habitat associated with their tree root zone that extends beyond the boundary of the area within which critical habitat is found.

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Figure 35: Location and extent of critical habitat parcel #255_1 for Common Hoptree. Critical habitat does not include existing infrastructure, existing cultivated areas, unnatural vegetation types, unvegetated beach/bar and bedrock, or areas in or adjacent to anthropogenic features where the presence of Common Hoptree is opportunistically related to the existence of these features, as described in Section 7.1.

Common Hoptree critical habitat parcel #255_1 is located on Middle Island, Point Pelee National Park, Ontario in the western basin of Lake Erie. Critical habitat in this location is identified as an 18 m zone (the diameter of a single tree root zone) around the entire island, extending inland from the vegetation/shoreline interface, exclusive of marsh and shallow water vegetation communities.

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