Government of Canada
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Species at Risk Public Registry


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  2. > Documents
  3. > Recovery Strategy for the Slender Popcornflower (Plagiobothrys tenellus) in Canada [Proposed] - Table 1
Table 1. Conservation ranks for Slender Popcornflower. Sources: B.C. Conservation Data Centre 2012, NatureServe 2012.
Location Rank (NatureServe Conservation ranks are based on a one to five scale, ranging from critically imperilled (1) to demonstrably secure (5). Status is assessed and documented at three distinct geographic scales global (G), national (N), and state/province (S).) Rank description
Global G4G5 Apparently secure or secure
Canada N1 Critically Imperilled
British Columbia S1 Critically Imperilled
United States NNR Not ranked
Utah S1 Critically imperilled
Washington SNR Not ranked
California SNR Not ranked
Idaho SNR Not ranked
Nevada SNR Not ranked
Oregon SNR Not ranked
Arizona SNR Not ranked

Recovery Strategy for the Slender Popcornflower (Plagiobothrys tenellus) in Canada [Proposed]