Williamson's sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus) COSEWIC assessment and status report: chapter 12

Acknowledgements and Authorities Contacted


We would like to thank the numerous people who have provided observations of Williamson's Sapsucker to me for the past eight years and whose data or records have been included in this report. Many observations have been provided over the internet, using e-mail groups, as information for any interested birders, but these groups are proving invaluable for ongoing and up-to-date tracking of relatively rare species such as Williamson's Sapsucker. Dick Cannings and Jerry Herzig provided particularly large numbers of observations of Williamson's Sapsucker directly to me that considerably improved the depth and accuracy of this report. Wayne Campbell provided records from the B.C. Nest Record Scheme. This report benefited from the changes recommended by reviewers of the first draft including Dick Cannings, Erica Dunn, Elsa Gagnon, Michel Gosselin, and Marty Leonard.

Funding for preparation of this report was provided by the Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. Funding for field inventories of Williamson's Sapsucker from 1996-2004 was provided by British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (WLAP), or its predecessor, B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, which allowed use of this unpublished data cited as Gyug, unpublished data, throughout this status report. WLAP also provided the author with access to digital GIS coverages including forest cover, orthophotos and others which were used in analysis of the unpublished data cited throughout this status report. The Canadian Wildlife Service funded the author for a literature search on Williamson's Sapsucker, among other species, in February and March, 2004, the results of which have been used in preparation of this report.

Authorities contacted

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