Misty Lake sticklebacks COSEWIC asessment and status report: chapter 11

Technical Summary: Misty Lake Lentic stickleback

Gasterosteus sp.

Misty Lake Lentic stickleback – Épinoche lentique du lac Misty

Range of Occurrence in Canada:

Endemic to Misty Lake, Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Extent and Area Information

Extent of occurrence (EO)(km²)
0.36 km² lake plus 1.1 km² outlet = 1.46 km². Based on lake area and area of watershed for outlet for lake form.
Specify trend in EO
Are there extreme fluctuations in EO?
May decrease in dry years
Area of occupancy (AO) (km²)
0.36 km² plus 0.01 km² outlet = 0.37 km². Based on lake area plus length of outlet X mean wetted width X 75% habitat use for lake for
Specify trend in AO
Are there extreme fluctuations in AO?
Will decrease in very dry year
Number of known or inferred current locations
Specify trend in #
Are there extreme fluctuations in number of locations?
Specify trend in area, extent or quality of habitat
Stable, although additional logging is scheduled to begin in 2006 in the watershed

Population Information

Generation time (average age of parents in the population)
2-4 yr
Number of mature individuals
Total population trend:
Both lake and outlet populations appear stable
% decline over the last/next 10 years or 3 generations
Are there extreme fluctuations in number of mature individuals?
Is the total population severely fragmented?
Specify trend in number of populations
Are there extreme fluctuations in number of populations?
List populations with number of mature individuals in each:
  • Misty Lake – likely >10,000 (rough estimates based on Reimchen‘s (1990) estimate for Drizzle Lake);
  • outlet stream – likely >4000 (Moore, pers. comm. 2006).

Threats (actual or imminent threats to populations or habitats)

Potential impacts of hydrocarbon and pesticide contamination from the adjacent highway and rest stop; habitat, water quality and hydrological changes from nearby logging or climate warming; non-native species introductions (including fish, invertebrates and plants); and non-conforming recreational uses of the lake.

Rescue Effect (immigration from an outside source)

Not Applicable – Endemic Species

Status of outside population(s)?
Is immigration known or possible?
Would immigrants be adapted to survive in Canada?
Is there sufficient habitat for immigrants in Canada?
Is rescue from outside populations likely?

Quantitative Analysis

No Data

Current Status

COSEWIC: Endangered (2006)
B.C. Conservation Data Centre: S1

Status and Reasons for Designation

Status: Endangered

Alpha-numeric code: A3e

Reasons for Designation: This lake-dwelling fish is part of an endemic, highly divergent species pair restricted to a single stream-lake complex on Vancouver Island with an extremely small area of occurrence. This species pair could quickly become extinct due to the introduction of non-native aquatic species or perturbations in the habitat. Proximity of this complex to a major highway and public access makes an introduction likely. Logging activities in the watershed, as well as highway use and related maintenance, could impact habitat quality to some degree.

Applicability of Criteria

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